storage for kids' stuff

My kids are pretty spaced out in age. I have two teenage boys, a 7 year old boy and a sweet toddler for a girl. I spend a small fortune buying the kids the things that they want so I want to be sure to get as much use out of it all as possible. My blog is all about using a storage unit to keep things around the house organized and keep your kids interested in the toys that you have spent your money on. You will find tips for storing clothes to be handed down to the younger kids and so much more.

Hiring Movers For The First Time? Follow These Tips


The first time you're able to hire professional movers instead of doing everything by yourself can feel really exciting and special. It can be such a relief to know you don't have to drive a massive truck through town or find a way to get your overstuffed sofa down the stairs. Indeed, hiring professionals is the way to go when you move. However, there are a few tips you'll want to follow, especially if this is your first time around.

Get multiple quotes.

If there are multiple moving companies in your area, and in most areas there are, you will want to get multiple quotes before hiring a moving company. Different companies can charge very different rates. One might be really affordable for you if their office is nearby or if they can fit all of your items on one truck. Another may have to charge more simply because of their location or vehicle sizes. Getting multiple quotes makes it easier to move affordably.

Ask for a written contract.

Before the movers start working, make sure you sign a written contract. This protects both you and your movers. It ensures everyone is on the same page as far as what work is going to be done and how much you're going to pay for it. If you have any questions about the contract, feel free to ask them before you sign.

Confirm when the movers plan to arrive.

Don't just assume the moving company is driving straight from your old house to your new house. Sometimes, they may have to make other stops along the way. Or, in the case of a long-distance move, they may have to take breaks every so often or swap drivers to meet legal requirements. Ask when the movers plan to arrive at your new home so you can plan accordingly.

Consider the packing services.

Many people who hire movers for the first time opt to pack themselves, then just rely on the movers to load and transport everything. This is a perfectly fine approach, but packing services are often more affordable than you'd think and may be worth looking into.

If you're hiring movers for the first time, make sure you keep the tips above in mind. When you hire a professional company, they really tend to watch out for you and help you navigate the process. Before long, you'll be settled in a new home.

For more information about working with local movers, contact a local company.


29 December 2022