
How To Pack Patio Furniture For Your Next Move


When it comes to packing for a move, you probably already know how to prepare clothing, books, and other indoor items. Packing patio furniture, on the other hand, can be more of a challenge. Here are a few things to consider before you begin packing your outdoor furniture for a move. Inspect For Damage Outdoor furniture can become damaged over time, even if it's built to withstand the elements. Woven wicker chairs and tables can develop holes after repeated use, while metal furniture can begin to rust and corrode.

14 May 2018

Moving Tech Equipment Takes More Than Fragile Stickers


Moving fragile objects is a fairly common concept, but it isn't enough for some things. Computers, copiers, televisions, and other electronics have a few issues that are a bit more complicated than wrapping everything with bubble wrap. Here are a few technology moving details to help you understand what could go wrong, and to give you an idea of what movers will do to keep your tech safe. Why Isn't Bubble Wrap Enough?

14 December 2017